The basic requirements for applying for a pay day loan include a steady monthly income and a current bank account with a debit card. You must also be over 18 years of age and a resident of the UK to avail yourself of this facility. Online payday lenders usually do not place any emphasis on your credit history, so you can be assured of receiving a payday loan online even if your credit history is questionable. Even those with pending CCJs, and a history of defaults or arrears are eligible for an online advance loan.
The payday loan application form is simple, straightforward and takes just minutes to fill. You don't have to to go through mountains of paperwork and faxes in order to secure a payday loan.Payday lenders require nothing more than your name, contact and employment details, and your bank account information in order to determine whether you are eligible for a loan. Your application is then processed in a safe and discrete manner, and an approval decision is made within minutes. Once you are approved for the payday loan, the funds are directly deposited into your bank account.
A Cash Advance is truly a lifesaver when you are in urgent need of instant cash.
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